
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Haggai & Zechariah is unavailable, but you can change that!

For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series. No attempt has been made to...

further development, with the preceding, and the number of visions thus reduced to seven.* Zechariah, however, notwithstanding his partiality for the perfect number, does not seem to have meant that it should be so treated. If he had, the interpreter would hardly be represented as returning to the prophet, as if after an absence, and, when he came forth, reappeared, commanding his charge to lift up his eyes and see, just as at the beginning of the other visions. See, the angel says, what this is
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